We could have been Tharp Photography, or Photos by Wes, or even Tharp Pix. So why did we choose Pix Along The Way?
Well, "Pix" is short for "pictures." We are always telling people that we chose to spell it P-I-X because we think we are "cool." I guess it would be better to say that we want to be unique.
Along The Way
We want to capture you as you go Along The Way of life. With senior clients, we encourage booking early so we can follow you on your journey through your last year of high school. Do you play a sport? We want to come Along! Are you part of the musical? We want to be there too! Did you get voted Homecoming Queen? We want to capture that memory as well!
So what's with the Deuteronomy 6:7?
"Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road," or "when you walk by the way," depending on which translation you use. God wanted the Israelites to talk to their children about Him so much that it was basically just a part of their life. We chose this as our verse because that is how we want to live too. We want God to be a part of all areas of our business. That is why if you follow us on Facebook or Instagram, you will occasionally see us posting encouraging Bible verses.
Click on the button below and fill out the form to contact us about going Along The Way with you on your senior year!